To deposit funds:

  1. Click "Deposit Tokens" in the dApp ( and follow the flow. Connect your Ethereum Mainnet wallet. When prompted, connect your Cardstack Wallet.

2. Choose which assets you'd like to deposit into the protocol reserve pool.

Note: CARD (ERC-20) and DAI (ERC-20) are the only supported tokens at this time.

3. Unlock (approve) the tokens.

4. Confirm the transaction.

5. The transaction will confirm and begin the bridging process. We require 20 block confirmations on Gnosis Chain before the tokens will be available in your Cardstack Wallet depot.

To withdraw funds:

Click "Withdraw Tokens" in the dApp ( and follow the flow.

Note: there will be an Ethereum gas fee to withdraw to ETH mainnet.

Have an issue?


Quick Help Guide:

  • I accidentally closed the page! No big deal, first check the upper right hand for the clipboard; you can likely revive the flow from that menu. If not, check your wallet for the transaction hash using You can then access this withdrawal via the AMB bridge interface: You will then enter the transaction hash. You will likely see you need to manually execute the bridge by clicking "Execute" on the lower righthand side. This is an onchain transaction and will ask you to sign the transaction.

  • How to find my transaction hash? Find your depot or profile in which you did the transaction. Copy the address. Go to and enter that address in the search bar. When your address detail appears, click on "Transactions" and find the transactions that you have made (click on the address to view details of the transaction). You'll be able to find the transaction hash on the details screen.

Last updated